Seeking Kindness

What an interesting holiday season. With every turn of our heads, we are being asked to live in fear but,

I have found we are choosing life and joy.

I think it speaks to how reliant we are as humans.  I recently went to a lecture at my son’s school. The professor was telling us about the Steiner philosophy and what Rudolph Steiner’s expectations were for adults who have chosen to help in the development of burgeon humans. He reminded us that children learn through imitation. And so our actions should be worthy of that replication. This really stuck with me. It called for me to be more intentional and responsible not just with my son, but in all my daily interactions. It is why I do the work I do and why I think programs like Life Design should be given to teenagers and adults alike. 

I wonder how many times when a news broadcaster or a politician is speaking fear into our homes and minds they even bother to measure if the message is more injurious to our well being than the issue.

As they ask us to live in a perceived fear a hundred times a day if they have simply forgotten to remind us of all the good that is happening, that in my opinion, even in these challenging times, far outweighs the bad. They are modeling fear and negativity not just to our mature yet still impressionable minds, but to the children of this world that don’t have the context that years on the planet can sometimes provide. This writing itself might seem like more of the same, but what I am asking here is that each of us look at our lives and yes go ahead and make your short list of problems, but then be sure to look around you and see all the good.

Here is a list of places I look to when I myself have gotten caught up in the negativity of things:

The list is never ending.

I googled acts of kindness and found hundreds of posts.  I just thought I’d share this with you. It is always interesting to me that those that have the least often give the most.

Let’s continue the conversation. Pop a comment down below!


On Breath


Sleep Remedy #1